
~ Eyes of the Mage God ~ The Cold Wind of Magic Blows ~

"They say a wandering daemon once came through the plains round here. Covered the place in snow..."~--

Vehu Maiath, the Thin One, the Eye of the Mage God

Isra, the First Twin

Reza, the Last Twin

Piruz, the Gifted

Lesser Blue Horror

Coldflame Horrors

--~"Have you seen anything suspicious, out south?
There have been rumours of spiteful beings following you here from Chamon."


((Last Underworlds warband in my collection so far))
((The next thing for Strangers in Mirrors is going to be more conversion-heavy))
((Whether it be a wizard or some more tzaangors with friends, I haven't decided yet))

((These were painted some time in late January or early February, I believe))
((I only just had a chance to test them out in a proper Underworlds game last weekend))
((But unfortunately the deck I had constructed did not have a clear focus))
((And I ended up losing both the games I played))
((However, it did give me a much better insight into what kinds of decks I should be playing))
((And some inspiration for a model that will be previewed in the next Paintwater Oracle))
((Hint: Cubes))

((For this warband, I wanted to use a warmer brown/olive skin tone to contrast with the purples and blues))
((I will most likely continue to use the same tone, with a few tweaks, for other characters from Chamon))
((The last layer I used on the skin was actually an air paint, specifically Baneblade Brown))
((The semi-transparent-ness of the air paint helped blend the other layers together, I think))
((I painted the armour the same as my Khornate models, with the added tzeentchian twist of a Druchii Violet wash))
((And of course I made extensive use of Nihilakh Oxide for magic and flame effects))
((I'm thinking about putting up a list of all my painting recipes, but I'm not quite sure how to format it))

((The skulls on the brimstone/"coldflame" horrors came from the AOS Heroic Bases Kit))
((There are also a bunch in the Skulls box))

1 comment:

  1. Looking great with this Tzeentchian Warband here - much darker, more muted and grimdark than the usual bright paint schemes that we see with these.
